

What is a competent source of advice?

Legally required, this is a designated competent advisor that will provide your business with the right advice to comply with your health and safety requirements.

Why do I need this service?

To comply with The Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations 1999 you must have an appointed competent person to assist with health and safety matters.

What do I get with this service?

You will have access to a fully qualified and competent Health and Safety Consultant via phone or email. You can relax knowing that you will be addressing your obligations, supported by a professionally qualified expert with many years of experience in assisting businesses across the UK.

Our Way of Working

Orbit Health and Safety will work closely with you, providing support and advice, and will truly go the extra mile to make sure you are happy with the service that you are provided. We understand that an engaged and healthy working relationship is key to achieving these successes. You will always have support from a Director of the company and not left with a postcode generated, generic health and safety representative that other health and safety companies provide, or indeed a different consultant every time you are visited.

How much does it cost?

Prices start from £25 a month depending on the size and nature of your business.

What is a Health and Safety Policy?

A health and safety policy is a written statement by an employer stating the employer’s commitment for the protection of the health and safety of their employees and anyone affected by their working activities. It is an endorsed commitment by management to its employees regarding health and safety.

Do I need to have a Health and Safety Policy?

Yes, your business must have a health and safety policy, and if you have five or more employees, your policy must be written down.

How can Orbit Health and Safety assist?

Orbit Health and Safety have many years of experience working with organisations to develop Health and Safety Policies. We will learn about your business and create a bespoke Health and Safety Policy, which will include three keys sections: a Statement of Intent, an Organisation section, and an Arrangements section.

How often does this document need to be reviewed?

A Health and Safety Policy should be reviewed regularly or whenever a significant change occurs. An annual review is recommended, meaning any amendments in legislation can be added and any changes in personnel can be updated.

How much does it cost?

Prices start from £25 per month depending on the size and nature of your business.

What is a fire risk assessment?

A Fire Risk Assessment is a systematic and structured assessment of the fire risk for any given building. This is completed for the purpose of expressing the current level of fire risk, determining the adequacy of existing fire precautions and determining the need for, and nature of, any additional fire precautions.

Why do I need this service?

The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005, places a strict obligation on the Responsible Person of a premises to undertake a fire risk assessment. This requires employers, building owners and most landlords to undertake a fire risk assessment on all commercial buildings and any premises with communal areas.

What do I get with this service?

Orbit Health and Safety have highly qualified and knowledgeable fire risk assessors with experience carrying out fire risk assessments in many premises throughout the UK. One of our assessors will visit your site, which will involve a tour of the premises, a review of fire safety documentation and discussing fire safety protocols with relevant persons. Following the site visit, you will receive a comprehensive report with an action plan of recommendations to achieve compliance, ranging from those that must be dealt with immediately to precautions that could improve your fire protection.

All of our fire risk assessments are carried out in accordance with PAS79, which is the industry standard guidance and methodology for completing fire risk assessments.

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What is a Health and Safety Management Audit?

A Health and Safety Management Audit is a systematic examination of your health and safety management system, which determines the level of health and safety compliance within your organisation. It involves an expert and methodical review of your health and safety policies, processes, procedures and documentation, which measures compliance against relevant health and safety legislation. Compliant and non-compliant areas will be identified, and a detailed action plan for improvement will be created.

Why do I need an audit?

Health and Safety Management Audits are considered as an essential element of successfully managing health and safety within your business. There are many reasons why you should carry out audits:
• An audit provides legal framework for compliance and outlines the foundations for continuous safety improvement to enhance competitive advantage.
• Whilst an audit is used to assess Health and Safety management systems, it is important to view an audit as a positive – it is a chance to highlight company successes and an opportunity to praise staff for their excellent work.
• A management audit carried out by Orbit Health and Safety can also be used for satisfying insurers, quality assurance, board level reports, accreditations and action planning.
• It is a proactive way of managing health and safety, allowing you to take action to prevent an incident or injury occurring.
• It is an opportunity for an unbiased, independent and comprehensive review of your policies, processes, procedures and documentation.

How can Orbit Health and Safety help?

Orbit have qualified auditors that offer flexible and tailored health and safety management audits to support your business. We will ensure that all relevant areas of health and safety are reviewed, and will provide you with the advice and guidance you need to action any issues identified during audit.

How much does it cost?

Get in touch for prices to complete a health and safety management audit of your business.

Do I need to report accidents and incidents?

All accidents, incidents and near misses should be reported and recorded internally. This is essential for an effective management system, so that lessons can be learned to prevent them from happening again.

Some specific accidents and incidents are also required to be reported to relevant enforcement authorities, which is stipulated under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR). In the event of an accident or incident, we can provide support and guidance to help meet your legal obligations.

How can we assist you?

Orbit Health and Safety can provide assistance to report, investigate and learn lessons from any accident or incident. We can give you peace of mind when an accident or incident occurs in your workplace, ensuring that you have a qualified person to assist with the reporting and investigation process.

How much does it cost?

Get in touch for a quote if you need assistance with regards investigation of an accident/incident.
Orbit Health and Safety provide both general and bespoke health and safety training courses.

Please take a look at the training section for more information on how we can assist with your health and safety training requirements.

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What is a Gap Analysis?

A Health and Safety Gap Analysis is a form of audit that measures your current performance against required health and safety performance. In other words, it systematically reviews your health and safety management system to identify gaps and give you a clear picture of your level of compliance.

Is a Gap Analysis the same as an audit

A gap analysis is very similar to an audit, but there are differences. A gap analysis is mainly a document checking activity; whereas an audit involves an in-depth review of documentation, evaluating systems, and will include questioning employees. Typically, a gap analysis is usually carried out at the planning stage, and an audit is normally carried out at the review stage.

When do I need a Gap Analysis?

Orbit will often conduct a safety gap analysis at the beginning of engagement with your company. This helps establish the current level of health and safety compliance, and provides a framework that can be used to provide you with the necessary support and guidance. A safety gap analysis is not required daily, weekly, or monthly. Instead, it would be beneficial to conduct a gap analysis bi-annually or annually, giving opportunity to close out actions identified, as well as providing a measurable benchmark of improved compliance.

How can we assist you?

Orbit have competent and experienced consultants that will conduct a comprehensive safety gap analysis for your business. We will provide you with a detailed report and prioritised action plan that gives feedback on what you need to do to improve health and safety compliance.

How much does it cost?

Prices start from £450 depending on the size and nature of your business.

What is a Risk Assessment?

A risk assessment is a careful examination of your workplace, looking at the hazards that could cause harm to people, and determining ways to eliminate the hazard, or control the risk when the hazard cannot be eliminated.

Does my company need Risk Assessments?

Yes, all employers have a legal obligation to protect people from harm and to ensure a duty of care. Regulation 3 of the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 requires that all employers assess the risks to the health and safety of their employees and anyone affected by their undertaking.

How often should you review Risk Assessments?

Risk Assessments should be reviewed regularly or whenever a significant change occurs such as a change in work process, building, equipment, personnel or if an accident/incident occurs. An annual review is recommended and best practice for most risk assessments.

How can we assist you?

Orbit Health and Safety have the skillset and competence to carry out risk assessments in a vast range of industries and work environments. We take away the burden of writing risk assessments by completing them on your behalf, ensuring that they are suitable and sufficient, and easy to follow. Examples of risk assessments that we can provide include:
• Workplace
• Fire
• Work Equipment and Machinery
• Task Specific
• Covid-19
• Manual Handling
• New and Expectant Mothers
• Stress Management
• Traffic Management
• Work at Height
• Any many more…

As part of the risk assessment we will produce an easy to follow action plan that can be worked through by you and your team. In addition to this, we can also provide on-going support and advice on helping you implement the actions from the assessments.

How much does it cost?

Prices can vary depending on the type and complexity of the assessment to be undertaken. Get in touch for more information.

What is a Health and Safety Inspection?

A safety inspection is an on-site walk through to identify potential hazards to occupants and personnel and options for remedial action. An inspection helps you identify hazards or processes that are not working efficiently and decide what measures to take before they lead to an accident or incident.

How often do I need to complete a Health and Safety Inspection?

A health and safety inspection is an important part of proactively monitoring health and safety. The frequency of a health and safety inspection will vary depending on the nature of the site, the risks and the activities being carried out. A risk assessment will help identify the frequency of inspections.

How can we assist you?

We can complete a range of Health and Safety Inspections that are tailored to cover the work activities of your organisation. This can include general safety inspections that look at all aspects of your work activities, or safety sampling inspections that focus on particular activities or processes. A qualified and experienced consultant will inspect your site, identifying hazards and recommending actions in a prioritised order for you to work through.

How much does it cost?

Prices start from £250 depending on the size and nature of your business.

What bespoke support packages can we provide?

In addition to our core health and safety products, we can also provide bespoke support packages that offer a variety of services to help you achieve and maintain health and safety compliance. This can include:
• Developing a health and safety digital folder structure
• Producing policies, procedures, safe work instructions and safe systems of work
• Completing specific assessments e.g. DSE, Manual Handling, COSHH, Stress, Work at Height, New & Expectant Mothers
• Creating bespoke health and safety templates
• Attending health and safety meetings
• Developing health and safety induction programmes
• Delivering tailored training workshops and toolbox talks
• Accident reporting
• Liaison with enforcement authorities (HSE)

We are flexible and adaptable, and will listen to you so that we can provide the best package to meet your needs. We will ensure that you receive the right level support and guidance that you require to help you successfully manage health and safety in your organisation.

How much does it cost?

Get in touch to discuss prices for bespoke support for your business.

Why Choose Orbit?

Protecting People, Protecting Business

Choosing a health and safety consultancy to assist you fulfil your health and safety requirements is a big decision. Orbit Health and Safety have a wealth of knowledge and experience working in health and safety. We offer simple, sensible and proportionate health and safety advice tailored to your needs and requirements.

Get in touch today for further information and to see how we can assist you.

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