Health and Safety Training

Health and Safety Training

Who Should Attend

The course is targeted at all those who could come into contact with asbestos containing materials (ACMs) - either in property management or for those trades likely to work directly or indirectly with materials which could contain asbestos.

Course Objectives

Asbestos is widely accepted as one of the biggest killers in the UK. It is now recognised that as many as 18 million UK workers are at risk of contact with asbestos fibres. This course is designed specifically to provide both knowledge and awareness of what asbestos is, where it is likely to be found, what to do when you find it, and what the law says.

Course Content/Learning Objectives

  • Asbestos - What is it? The varying types and the history of use
  • Where asbestos is found - particular emphasis will be given to the types of environment in which asbestos is found and where it will be discovered by the variety of building trades
  • Health effects - The negative impact upon the lungs (lung cancer, asbestosis, pleural plaques, pulmonary function impairment) and other organs, gastrointestinal tract, etc
  • Risk assessment - identifying hazards and risks in the typical workplaces where asbestos is likely to be found
  • Principles of control - understanding some simple strategies for controlling hazards and reducing risks
  • What the law says - having an understanding of what the law says about the use, removal and disposal of asbestos
  • Actions to be taken upon discovery of asbestos containing materials

Who Should Attend?

This course is designed for those who have responsibility for undertaking DSE assessments on others, or who have responsibility for reviewing self-assessment forms where the company operates this form of assessment.

Course Objectives

At the end of the session, delegates will be able to identify and understand the core health issues associated with using Display Screen Equipment. They will also have the knowledge required to implement solutions designed to minimise the impact of health risks on themselves and other employees. In addition to the practical application of this knowledge, delegates will gain an understanding of the minimum requirements as detailed in the Health and Safety (DSE) Regulations 1992.

Course Content/Learning Objectives

The course covers the following areas:

  • Health and Safety (DSE) Regulations 1992
  • Understanding the different types of users and how display screen equipment is used
  • Musculoskeletal and other risks posed by long-term use of display screen equipment
  • Eyesight tests and corrective appliances
  • How to correctly set up a workstation including screens, keyboard, desks, chairs and the environment

Who should attend?

This course is suitable for those who are responsible for overseeing fire safety, designated fire wardens, and anyone who needs to know how to use a fire extinguisher.

Course Objectives

The training aims are designed to enable those employees who have a fire responsibility within their company to meet the training requirements of “Fire Safety an Employer’s Guide” and current legislation. The attendees could include heads of departments, fire wardens/marshals and in some large workplaces, firefighting teams.

Course Content/Learning Objectives

By the end of the course delegates should:

  • Be aware of key fire safety duties under the law
  • Be able to recognise habitual human behaviours in a fire situation
  • Know the typical role of a fire warden/marshal in relation to workplace fire safety
  • Be able to state the basic principles of risk assessment
  • Be aware of how to prevent fire or limit its impact
  • Be able to state the common modes of building evacuation
  • Recognise the need for fire drills and pre-planning for fire evacuation
  • Recognise active and passive fire safety measures and facilities
  • Be able to identify the different types of portable fire extinguishers and their appropriate use
  • Differentiate between fire wardens and fire marshals

Who Should Attend?

The Foundation in Health and Safety Awareness Training is for people at any level, in any sector, needing grounding in the essentials of health and safety.

Course Objectives

The course offers an introduction to the basics of Health and Safety, including: how to work safely, defining hazards and risks, how to identify common hazards, how to improve safety performance and protecting the environment.

Course Content/Learning Objectives

The course covers the following areas:

  • Why we bother with Health and Safety
  • The Health and Safety at Work Act etc 1974
  • The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999
  • Civil and criminal law
  • Principles of Risk Assessment
  • Workplace hazards and controls

Who Should Attend?

Anyone who requires a thorough and well-structured introduction to the key safety issues and legal requirements when controlling Legionella as someone who needs an overview of controlling legionella, this could be the ‘responsible person’ under the HSEs ACOP “Legionnaires’ disease: The control of legionella bacteria in water systems (L8)”.

Course Objectives

The objective of this course is to help the attendee fully understand how legionella can proliferate in water systems at their place of work and the actions they are required to undertake to be legally compliant.

Course Content/Learning Objectives

The course covers the following areas:

  • An understanding of the health effects of Legionnaires disease
  • An understanding of the legislation and codes of practice
  • An understanding of how to control the risks of Legionella bacteria including compliance
  • An understanding of the duties as the responsible person under the L8 ACOP

Who Should Attend?

Directors, Executives and Senior Managers

Course Objectives

This training course is designed to provide Directors, Executives and Senior Managers with an overview of their Health and Safety responsibilities.

Course Content/Learning Objectives

The course covers the following areas:

  • The reasons why we should manage Health and Safety
  • The principles of Health and Safety law
  • Individual and collective legal responsibilities of Directors and Senior Executives
  • The Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974
  • The Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007
  • The principles and key elements of Health and Safety management systems
  • The Health and Safety Executive and Institute of Directors guidance on Directors' Duties – “Leading Health and Safety at Work”

Who Should Attend?

This course is essential support for all persons who carry out regular manual handling as part of their work role.

Course Objectives

To ensure that staff involved in manual handling activities know the safest way to undertake the movement of objects without risk of injury to themselves or others.

Course Content/Learning Objectives

The course covers the following areas:

  • The employer's and employee's responsibilities for compliance
  • Basic spinal anatomy and biomechanics
  • Common types and mechanisms of manual handling injuries
  • How to identify and reduce risks of manual handling relative to work practices and individual behaviour (method of lifting, posture, benefits of exercise, etc.)
  • How to identify and reduce risks of manual handling relative to the task, the load, the working environment and the individual capacity
  • Demonstration and practice of basic handling techniques
  • Discussion of manual handling problems specific to employees

Who should attend?

Any staff required to be involved in the risk assessment process.

Course Objectives

To equip delegates with the knowledge and skills to be able to carry out risk assessments effectively and review where necessary.

Course Content/Learning Objectives

The course covers the following areas

  • Moral, legal and financial reasons for Health and Safety
  • What is a Hazard?
  • What is Risk?
  • The differences between near misses and accidents
  • The 5 steps to Risk Assessment
  • Principles of prevention
  • Control measures
  • Practical exercise

Who Should Attend?

Anyone who requires a thorough and well-structured introduction to the key safety issues and legal requirements when working at height.

Course Objectives

As per the working at height regulations 2005, all working at height must be planned. The objective of this course is to break down how you would plan for working at height and to help operatives and supervisors understand that taking sensible precautions before and during activities can avoid serious and potentially fatal injuries. The dangers are highlighted by both the legal requirements and statistical information.

Course Content/Learning Objectives

The course covers the following areas:

  • The Work at Height Regulations 2005
  • The Hierarchy of Control
  • The dangers associated with work at height
  • What work at height covers and what it doesn’t
  • The responsibilities of employers and duty holders
  • Why accidents occur with use of ladders and how to avoid them
  • Use of fall restraint and fall arrest

Who Should Attend?

Anyone who requires a thorough introduction to the key safety issues and legal requirements when working with hazardous and/or dangerous substances.

Course Objectives

The objective of this course is to give the attendee an understanding of the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 and an awarenss of how to complete a COSHH risk assessment.

Course Content/Learning Objectives

The course will:

  • Provide an understanding of hazardous substances, as outlined within the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002.
  • Equip you with the knowledge needed to identify hazardous substances in your workplace and understand the legal requirements of COSHH.
  • Give you an awareness of how to undertake a COSHH risk assessment and know the different control measures that can be implemented to manage risks that hazardous substances can cause.
orbit health and safety director

Why Choose Us

What sets us apart is our expert-led training approach. We pride ourselves on offering courses that are clear, engaging, and tailored to your needs. Our trainers are highly experienced professionals, bringing industry-leading knowledge and a wealth of real-world experience to each session. This ensures that you gain practical, actionable skills to apply in your workplace.

With a proven track record in delivering high-quality health and safety training across diverse sectors, we are committed to helping you ensure compliance and keep your staff safe. By providing expert guidance, we help you save time, reduce risks, and enhance safety across your organisation.